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The migrations from version H - HP3000 to version L - Linux systems continue. As of February 2017, the majority of QSS customers are now running on the version L Linux platform.

Calendar year 2016 saw the highest number of conversions to version L, including La Habra SD, Mariposa COE, Nevada COE, San Luis Obispo COE and Stanislaus COE, Amador COE, Kern COE, Mendocino COE, Orange USD, Visalia USD, Novato USD.

During 2015, Glenn COE, Colusa COE, Modesto City SD, Marin COE, and Santa Clara COE made the switch to version L.

El Dorado COE migrated from Version H to Version L in November 2014 over the Thanksgiving break.  EDCOE is running a monolithic system with the Linux application server and PostgreSQL server on the same virtual machine.  EDCOE originally planned to use MS SQL as the database server, but opted to use PostgreSQL based on the results of their evaluations.

In September 2014, Sac COE replaced their HP-3000 system with a Linux application server with PostgreSQL as the choice of database.

San Benito COE switched over the Labor Day 2014 weekend and is running a Linux application server accessing data from MS SQL.

San Ramon Valley USD made the leap over the 2014 4th of July weekend and has replaced their HP-3000 system with a Linux application server accessing data from MS SQL databases.

In May, 2014, Folsom Cordova USD replaced their HP-3000 system with a Linux application server accessing data from MS SQL databases.

Merced County Office of Education successfully made the transition to Version L in March, 2014.  After much careful planning by MCOE staff, the COE is now operating a Linux system as their QSS application server with PostgreSQL as the choice of database.

Corona-Norco USD was the first QSS customer to make the transition from Version H to Version L.  As of Jan 1, 2014, Corona-Norco's HP-3000 system was replaced by a Linux application server accessing data from MS SQL databases.

Lodi Unified School District has been successfully using the QCC software running on a Linux application server accessing data from MS SQL databases since July 2008,.


Last Updated on Sunday, 26 February 2017 13:54
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